
Timothy Cranston
5.0 out of 5 stars End times: one-stop shopping that simply describes all POVs, has a POV, and tells us how to prepare
Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2022

Dr. Young has heightened my awareness of what we face in the End Times, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim or secularist. In about 200 pages he described prophesy, critiqued the different end-time viewpoints, made a strong case for his position (that Christians will be raptured at the end of the Tribulation), and walked me through what I need to do to get ready for Christ’s second coming.

He started with the importance of love and ended with the importance of love. At the outset he showed me why I need to care about prophesy, advanced to illustrations of proper and improper prophecy, and demonstrated how the Bible is the only source of true prophesy (Ch 1-3), particularly about Jesus Christ’s first and future coming. (For example, I didn’t know that there are far more biblical prophesies of Christ’s second coming than of any other prediction in the Bible.)

Dr. Young then went through an amazing array of views about how and when Jesus Christ will return – in my opinion one of the most important sections in the book (Ch 4-7). He gives an amazingly thorough exegesis of his position that, as he states on the book’s cover and contrary to most Christian eschatology today, “The Church Will Experience The Tribulation.”

So he asks, why is this tribulation going to happen, and can we get a feel for the signs of its occurrence? What is the role of the Antichrist, and what will it be like when we – atheists, “gentile” Christians, Jews, messianic Jews – will actually experience this seven-year utterly devastating period? Read to find out.

Penultimately, the book looks forward to Jesus Christ’s return – His second coming – at the end of the tribulation. He will resurrect, on the “Day of the Lord”, those who have already died, will “rapture” those believers who survive this unprecedentedly tumultuous period, and will return to conquer the minions of Satan, Satan himself, and Death itself.

What is next? What is the Kingdom of God? What is it like? What are we like? What is everlasting life for those who believe in Him? We have so much to anticipate!

But in order to look forward to anything, Dr. Young exhorts us followers of Jesus Christ to be prepared for “wars, rumors of wars”, persecutions, tribulations, and, yes, the coming Tribulation. So finally, he gives us important guidance on how to get ready. Jesus Christ is coming again soon, and we need to lovingly but tenaciously fight the powers of darkness while Jesus Christ, as Dr. Young emphasizes, “is glorified in us”, the Church.


Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars End Times Prophesy.
Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2022

This book is a straight forward and concise review of end times prophecy. It is an excellent read for all believers and those curious about the coming Tribulation.

Dr Young’s years of research make this an outstanding work.


Dr. Martin
5.0 out of 5 stars Best book on Revelation that has come along for years!
Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2022

The book is based on Bible facts, makes its points, and doesn’t have fluff and filler like other Revelation books. I have been studying Revelation for years and this is the best book written on the EndTimes. This book would be a great gift. Most pastors and priests have no time to do put extra study into Revelation, and it is obvious that Brad Young has spent much time and effort into this book. This is a must read for Christians and non-Christian’s.


Ron Tipton
5.0 out of 5 stars Very informative book!
Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2022

I found the book to be well researched and thorough. Young lays out the end times in an easy to follow format. The entire book is well documented and offers readers references throughout to assist in further study. I thoroughly enjoyed “When the Perfect Comes” and highly recommend it!


Robert Louis Adrian
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Biblical Review of End Times
Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2022

This book creates the basis for interpreting prophecy, and carefully follows only biblical (not personal) interpretation of end time prophecy. Young does an outstanding job of making it interesting, informative, and accurate. Really enjoyed this book and got a lot out of it. I’ve recommended it to many friends.