Category: Signs In The News

Iran Making Peace For War

Iran is unifying, making peace in the Middle East for war against Israel. When speaking to the president of Iran, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, president of Turkey, stated, “The Muslim world must unite against Israel.” This is precisely what is happening in the Middle East. In another article in the Jerusalem Post, Israel’s defense minister

Unrest in Israel – rockets fired from Lebanon and Gaza – Time of the End?

Tensions are rising against Israel in the Middle East. According to the Jerusalem Post, Iran’s proxies – Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza – have launched a barrage of rockets into Western Galilee. Israel has responded with their rockets and called up their reserves to defend the country. This is the most significant attack

Is Iran preparing for its pre-Tribulation move on the Middle East?

The ram (Iran) of Daniel 8 will begin its military move in the Middle East just prior to the Tribulation. Daniel had a vision of a ram beginning a war in the Middle East, according to the angel Gabriel. The ram is signified by the area of Persia which is current-day Iran. One of the

The US Will Not Intervene in an Israel/Iran War

Yair Lapid, Israel’s Prime Minister, recently addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 22, 2022, and spoke about the issue of the US’s support militarily in case of a war in the Middle East with Iran. Lapid stated: “Alas, the White House perhaps doesn’t want to be dragged into a new Middle East war

The CIA director, William Burns stated in March 2022 that Iran is a continued threat to the Middle East.

No matter the outcome of nuclear negotiations, Iran will continue its threat to the Middle East. Iran, the ram of Daniel 8, will not be stopped in its coming conquest, as no country will be able to stop them (see Daniel 8:4). Before the US House Intelligence Committee, CIA director, William Burns stated: “For many